Todo List

Global clock_get_time (clock_time_t *time)
sub-second resolution

Global hl_pwr_fast (void *)
Replace the USB polling by a pin change interrupt. This will also make sure, that the voltage can not drop below the limits for 14MHz.

Global ISR (INT1_vect)
At the moment only the system timer interrupt is enabled. It could take up to one second until the sys timer is running. The start time will depend on the current position of the timer2 counter and the Variable FastTimerInc. We will see later if this is ok, or if it behaves not fluid enough.

Global ISR (INT2_vect)
At the moment only the system timer interrupt is enabled. It could take up to one second until the sys timer is running. The start time will depend on the current position of the timer2 counter and the Variable FastTimerInc. We will see later if this is ok, or if it behaves not fluid enough.

Global ISR (INT3_vect)
At the moment only the system timer interrupt is enabled. It could take up to one second until the sys timer is running. The start time will depend on the current position of the timer2 counter and the Variable FastTimerInc. We will see later if this is ok, or if it behaves not fluid enough.

Global ISR (INT0_vect)
At the moment only the system timer interrupt is enabled. It could take up to one second until the sys timer is running. The start time will depend on the current position of the timer2 counter and the Variable FastTimerInc. We will see later if this is ok, or if it behaves not fluid enough.

File keys.c
  • add definition of scan codes for multiple simultaneous keys
  • add key echo function

File xpal_async32khz.c
Add function to register timer callback functions for application layer

File xpal_async32khz.h
Add function to register timer callback functions for application layer